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For women who want to find purpose in life:

Develop a business idea in 2025 that is perfect for you

With Perfekte Geschäftsidee you will have an idea within 2 months that you can successfully implement - with structure, focus and your own unique plan.

Lächelnde Frau vor einer Wand mit Sticky Notes, die voller Begeisterung Erkenntnisse sammelt. Symbolisiert das Coachingprogramm ‘Perfekte Geschäftsidee’, um 2025 die ideale Geschäftsidee zu finden, die Stärken, Werte und Leidenschaft vereint. Selbstständig starten, Klarheit gewinnen, erfolgreich gründen.

Book now Perfekte Geschäftsidee

Finally living a self-determined life in 2025?

Start your own business now with an idea that fits you and inspires your customers.

The first step has been taken: you've already thought about your path to self-employment - great! 

But how do you find an idea that not only inspires you, but can also survive in the market?

With my coaching program Perfect Business Idea I help you to do just that: Develop a business idea that reflects your strengths, values and passions - and lays the foundation for a successful business.

With Perfekte Geschäftsidee you get:

  1. Clarity about your strengths and values to develop an idea that fits you

  2. Practical brainstorming methods to help you develop your perfect business idea with confidence and focus

  3. Structure and focus to get your idea off the ground

Book Perfekte Geschäftsidee now!

Take off in 2025 with your perfect business idea ✨

If you feel like you don't have a clear business idea that you're passionate about and can use to target customers, then you need to get started. 

If you're unsure if your idea has the potential for long-term success and profitability.

If you are afraid of investing a lot of time and energy in an idea that will ultimately fail.

You want help structuring your ideas and getting a clear direction.

If you are in search of a business idea that matches your strengths and paves your way to self-employment.

Book your Perfekte Geschäftsidee now and start with your perfect business idea!

Nachdenkliche Frau mit Stift an den Lippen, sitzt auf einem Sessel neben einem Notizbuch. Symbolisiert Kreativität, Struktur und den klaren Fahrplan des Coachingprogramms ‘Perfekte Geschäftsidee’, um 2025 eine marktfähige Geschäftsidee zu entwickeln und erfolgreich selbstständig zu starten.

From your strengths to a marketable idea

Success with Perfekte Geschäftsidee

1. Recognize your strengths and values

Discover what drives you and how to apply your unique skills to your business.

👉 Result: You gain absolute clarity about which business idea inspires you and fits your life.

2. Develop ideas

Generate creative business ideas that are right for you and find your top idea.

👉 Result: You have concrete ideas that inspire you and lay the foundation for your business success.

3. Check marketability

Analyze the needs of your target audience and find out if your idea is viable in the marketplace.

👉 Result: You know that your business idea is not only inspiring, but also commercially viable.

Book  Perfekte Geschäftsidee now. Together, we will lay the foundation for your successful entrepreneurship.

Navigate to the perfect business idea with your idea compass

Whether you dream of a fulfilled life or want to finally take the first step into self-employment - with my idea compass you will find your perfect business idea in a focused and effective way.

Großes Kompass-Icon, symbolisiert den Ideenkompass des Coachingprogramms ‘Perfekte Geschäftsidee’. Veranschaulicht die drei Schritte zur Entwicklung einer Geschäftsidee, die individuell passt, marktfähig ist und den Grundstein für eine erfolgreiche Selbstständigkeit in der Schweiz legt.

1. Analyze strengths

I help you discover what makes you special and how you can bring your unique skills to your business.

Clarity about your unique strengths

A deep understanding of your values and skills

Ideas that are a powerful match for you and your skills

2. Develop ideas

Together, we develop creative business ideas that engage and inspire your customers.

A collection of ideas that fit you and your vision

A structured approach to idea generation

Clarity about which idea has the most potential

3. Test ideas

We do market research on your idea and have a clear plan for its implementation.

✔ Validated ideas that inspire your target group

✔ Certainty about the commercial viability of your idea

✔ A clear implementation plan for the next step

Your idea compass - individual, clear and motivating.

Together we will find your perfect business idea and take the first step towards a fulfilling life.

Get your dream business off the ground with Perfekte Geschäftsidee

More freedom

Design your life the way you want it: Discover a business idea that gives you the flexibility of time and place-for family, travel, or causes you care about.

Creative clarity

Be inspired and find exactly the idea that is in line with your strengths and that you can inspire others with - without doubt or uncertainty.

Clear perspectives

Create a clear basis for testing and developing your business idea. That way, you can start with confidence and a clear plan.

Treat yourself to the start that fulfills you. Book Perfekte Geschäftsidee now.

Your result: The foundation for your success

Clearly defined and authentic

Discover a business idea that fits you and reflects your strengths.

Marketability: Feasible and proven

Check your idea for marketability and get it ready for launch.

Market Position:
Clear and compelling

Define your uniqueness, find your niche, and position yourself as the first choice for your customers.

Together we will develop an idea that is right for you - step by step.

Smiling Diana Jermann, graphic designer and client of Noëmi Thums Perfect business idea - clear objectives and targeted offer.

Diana Jermann

Diana Jermann Graphic Design

Noëmi gave me valuable impulses to define my professional goals more clearly and to analyse them in a well-founded way. Working with her has given me a new perspective and more clarity about my strengths, skills and experience. This has motivated me to further develop my offer and create a stable basis for my business.


With the Perfekte Geschäftsidee to the brilliant idea for your business

I will help you develop a business idea that matches you, leverages your strengths and inspires your customers. Together, we will lay the groundwork for your entrepreneurial journey in a structured, creative and personalized way.

This is what you can expect from Perfekte Geschäftsidee:

  • 8 weeks of personalized support: Intensive 1-on-1 coaching sessions tailored to your individual goals and needs.

  • Creative methods: Practical approaches to help you develop unique business ideas that really resonate with you.

  • Marketable results: You develop a business idea that is not only inspiring, but can be commercially successful.


Instalments available!

Would you prefer to pay in instalments? No problem at all! Just contact us at and we'll work out a solution together.

Your investment: CHF 1'550

Includes all materials, templates and personal support.

Spark a brilliant idea now with Perfekte Geschäftsidee

  • Available Online

    Finde in 7 Sessions eine Geschäftsidee, die dich begeistert und deine Kund:innen überzeugt

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